September 15, 2010
Yesterday was cardio so today is my strength training day. I worked biceps, triceps,chest,back,legs and core. Most of the exercises I do are full body functional exercises, meaning I use a wide range of muscles to stabilize my body while targeting a certain area. I want functional muscles, not mirror muscles 🙂 OK, well I want mirror muscles too, but most importantly I want them to function to help me with everyday activities PLUS help me to look smokin’ 🙂 I try to do three sets on each muscle group. I vary on how much weight I use. Today I really mixed it up. For example: I started with 20 push ups to get warm. I went straight for my back muscles after the push ups with what I call the lawn mower pull. This move works your lats primarily but also your legs and core as well as shoulders. I used 15 lbs in the first set with 15 reps. I went right to my chest press exercise with 15 lbs and 20 reps while holding my body up on a physio ball. Second set of back right after chest, using 20 lb. dumbbell’s X 8 reps. Chest again, moving up to 20lb. 8 reps. Lawn mower pull for my heaviest and last set, 25lb 6 reps. One last chest set at 25 lbs. 6 reps. I did the same type of program on my biceps and triceps. After it was all over, I stretched all major muscles groups, holding each stretch for at least 30 seconds. I did some ab work on the BOSU ball as well as the floor and the physio ball.