Home > The Food Diaries > Lunch, Dinner and Everything In Between

Lunch, Dinner and Everything In Between

At 10:45 I had a banana and a small mandarin orange.  Also, by this time in the morning I had 28oz of aqua!

I worked out and afterward I had a whey protein smoothie with frozen cherries…YUMMY!

During, before and after my workout I had another 28oz of water, this time with a Chia Seed packet in it.  This was the first time I used this stuff and I don’t recommend it in water.  I bet it is good in cereal or yogurt, but not very tasty in my water.  I pushed through, because I am a champ like that :), and drank all of it but it was gross.

About an hour after my smoothie I ate lunch.  For lunch I had a Vanilla Yoplait Greek Yogurt~ I like this particular brand because it is affordable, has 12g of protein per serving and a lot less sugar compared to other yogurts.  Along with yogurt I had one serving of Snyders  Organic Honey Whole Wheat Pretzel Sticks and a low fat  personal pizza I made at home.

This afternoon I had a handful of cantaloupe pieces for a snack and drank about 16oz more of water.

For dinner I made spicy honey glazed chicken tenders with stir fried green beans with almond slivers  and brown rice.  I had another 20oz or so of water and a  Nabisco 100 Calorie Pack of cookies for dessert!

That’ll do her!

To find out how I made  the pizza, my smoothie and dinner  check out my “recipes”section.

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  1. brandy
    June 10th, 2010 at 13:17 | #1

    At first I thought that was a lot of water, but its really just a little over a gallon. Why would you put a Chia seed packet in your water? ARe you trying to turn into a chia pet??? okay, maybe i better google Chia seed for more information, because Im picturing you as a little terracotta ashly with sprouts coming out of your skin all over. LOL!

  2. June 10th, 2010 at 14:14 | #2

    That is a lot of water. I drink a lot of water and so should you 🙂 I keep my 28oz water bottle filled up all day. I have to stop drinking water around 8pm or I will have to get up to pee all night! Some day’s I drink more or less than others, but I do drink lots!

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