Home > Breakfast, Recipes > Primal latte

Primal latte


8 oz black coffee preferably made with beans from either Third Coast Coffee here: http://www.thirdcoastcoffee.com/ or from the Bulletproof Executive here:http://www.bulletproofexec.com/

1 tablespoon of Kerry Gold Irish Grass fed butter or your favorite grass fed butter

1 tablespoon of either MCT oil, unrefined coconut oil,  or my favorite– Brain Octane Fuel from the Bulletproof Executive, follow the link above

2 tablespoons of Great Lakes Collagen, get it here: ( the one in the green bottle) http://www.greatlakesgelatin.com/consumer/CollagenFAQ.php at Natural Grocers or online at Amazon

Optional: a dash of either or both cinnamon and turmeric


Make sure your coffee is really hot, add all ingredients to a blender and bend for about 15 seconds until it’s all blended and creamy. Enjoy!

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